Awards Funding

Energy Efficiency Activists Win Gothenburg Sustainability Award

“The Gothenburg Award for Sustainable Development” is given each year to people or organisations for outstanding performance and achievements towards a sustainable future.

The prize is 1 million Swedish krona (SEK), former winners including Kofi Annan, Al Gore, Paul Polman and Gro Harlem Brundtland.

This year's prize is awarded to the former president of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Peter Hennicke and the former mayor of the town of Heidelberg, Beate Weber-Schuerholz, both for their commitment in the field of energy efficiency.

The jury has identified two key areas for the further development: solar energy and – crucial for its successful implementation – the increasing use of energy efficiency.

Therefore, Peter Hennicke and Beate Weber-Schuerholz share The Gothenburg Award for Sustainable Development 2015 with Dr Jeremy Leggett, a British solar energy entrepreneur, author and environmental activist.

Peter Hennicke has been called Germany's “bishop” within energy efficiency and has been a pioneer of the energy transition, die Energiewende. He has managed to pinpoint and voice the several benefits to the society that may follow from such a transition and influenced important stakeholders and decision makers at various levels to take important steps towards sustainability.

The Wuppertal Institute congratulates him to the prestigious international award. “After having been awarded the biggest German Environmental Award (Deutscher Umweltpreis) last year, the Gothenburg Award is a wonderful sign of recognition on international level”, says Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, President of the Wuppertal Institute. “We are happy together with Peter Hennicke and see this award as motivation for all team members at the Institute who work together with him in order to advance energy efficiency”.

The prizewinners will receive “The Gothenburg Award for Sustainable Development” mid November in Gothenburg.

Press release by Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, President
Contact: Dorle Riechert, Public Relations
Tel. +49 202 2492-180, Fax +49 202 2492-108

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