Power and Electrical Engineering

Solar Power From Energy-Harvesting Trees: See It in Action!

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The technology can also be used to harvest kinetic energy from the environment.

Watch the video: http://youtu.be/_QswunfBC8U

The “leaves” of the tree are flexible, patterned solar panels made using a technique developed by VTT on a printing process.

The leaves form an electronic system complete with wiring that conduct energy into a converter that feeds electricity to devices such as mobile phones or sensors analysing the environment.

The tree trunk is made with 3D technology by exploiting wood-based biomaterials VTT has developed.

VTT's technologies create endless opportunities for applications involving different kinds of electronics regarding lighting and energy harvesting, for example.

The more solar panels there are in a tree, the more energy it can harvest.


Tähtinen Matti
Research Scientist
Immonen Kirsi
Senior Scientist
Ritvonen Tapio
Research Team Leader


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