SX 300 Wire Rope Sensor: Hydraulic Cylinder Measurement Demo
Using the SX 300 when measuring the travel of hydraulic cylinders in embankment dam lock gates is now demonstrated in an application video.
Hydraulic cylinders open and close the lock gates and must sustain substantial water pressure in the process.
The wire rope sensor is used to control and monitor the movement speed and acceleration of the cylinders.
The pressure-tight housing allows the sensor to be flange-mounted directly to the cylinder and the stainless steel measuring rope is simply secured to the piston.
The sensor element, an absolute rotary encoder in the pressure-free range, provides precise information about the piston position with pinpoint accuracy and resolution.
Link to the video: https://youtu.be/NWjraXXY_Ng
Link to the product videos:
Background information
WayConPositionsmesstechnik GmbH has been developing and manufacturing precision sensors for position and distance measurement since 1999. As an innovative company with headquarters in Taufkirchen near Munich and a branch in Brühl near Cologne, we sell our products all over the world. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best possible measurement technique solution: from high-quality sensors from the standard range to customer-specific solutions, from prototype to series production – for the most varied applications in industry and research. The products made in Taufkirchen are subject to rigorous quality standards and every single one is delivered to our customers with a calibration certificate.
WayCon Positionsmesstechnik GmbH
Marcus Venghaus
Mehlbeerenstraße 4
82024 Taufkirchen
E-Mail: presse@waycon.de
Internet: www.waycon.biz/home/