FlexPulse: Customizable Picosecond Pulses for Laser Applications
Fig. 1: Gray scale picture produced with constant scan speed
The increasing demands in laser material applications require high flexible and comprehensive laser systems.
For these areas neoLASE developed a new picosecond laser system with a unique flexibility in terms of pulse control.
With the flex pulse technology the lasers repetition rate and the pulse energy can be changed continuously. The system is based on a laser diode emitting 70 ps long laser pulses which can be triggered (PLS) for each pulse individually.
The pulses sequence therefore can be arbitrary and set from single pulses up to 80 MHz repetition rates or can be synchronized with scanners or moving axes.
The use of a frequency sweep for example can produce gray scale pictures without changing the scanners speed (Fig.1). A second control input (PWR) enables free pulse energy control up to 250 µJ which can be correlated to changes in the repetition rate or adapted to different processing steps.
The full flexibility of the system is illustrated in Fig.2 showing that the pulse sequence and energy can be adapted to the application.
This and other new developments will be presented at neoLASE booth on Laser World of Photonics Hall A3 booth 438/2 or visit neoLASE webpage under www.neoLASE.com