Increasing demands and growing cost pressure in the automotive industry make it increasingly necessary to transfer test scenarios with multiple variants to a virtual world. Driving simulators offer a wide range of solutions, which can be used by technology providers and be developed for OEMs and suppliers. Due to the growing complexity of these systems and a heterogeneous hardware and software landscape, all too often this potential can only be exploited insufficiently.
The aim of the event jointly organized by the Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart (asc(s), the DLR and the Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) Fellbach is to offer representatives from science and industry better access to the topic of driving simulation.
To this end, the symposium's presentations will deal with the areas of standardization, infrastructure and modeling of the environment as well as dynamic modeling / simulation. In the accompanying exhibition, visitors will also be given the opportunity to view and test current technologies and components of driving simulation.
The symposium will be accompanied by a series of other events for experts in driving simulation: At the 3rd OpenSCENARIO User Meeting on 8 November, the status quo of the project will be presented as well as some use cases. Afterwards, participants will be able to exchange views with their peers during a guided tour of the DLR simulator and a get-together.
You can register for the event here: www.simpulse.events. The 3rd Symposium Driving Simulation is supported by Tesis DYNAware (www.tesis-dynaware.com), Viscon (www.viscon.de), OPTIS Germany (www.optis-world.com), 3D Mapping Solutions (www.3d-mapping.de), Vires (www.vires.com), Microsoft (https://www.microsoft.com/de-de) and GNS Systems (https://www.gns-systems.de/startseite.html).
Key Facts of the 3rd Symposium on Driving Simulation:
Dates: 8 November 2017, 1.30 pm (3rd OpenSCENARIO User Meeting)
9 November 2017, 8.00 am (3rd Symposium on Driving Simulation)
Place: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Lilienthalplatz 7, 38108 Braunschweig
Promoter: Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart (asc(s), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) Fellbach
Target Group: Driving simulation experts as well as experts for autonomous driving and driver assistance systems from industry and research
Language: English
Web: www.simpulse.de/16/3rd-symposium-driving-simulation
Company profile asc(s – Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart:
The asc(s is a non-profit association for know-how carriers in the field of automotive simulation. The company provides its members with the possibility to advance new simulation methods for the virtual vehicle development fast and efficiently – particularly if these place high demands on the computing power and data volume. The asc(s promotes, supports and realises the method development in the field of automotive simulation. Being an interest group and multiplier the association can offer its members a wide range of services and activities. The main focus of the activities is the concentration of expertise from automotive and supply industry, software and hardware manufacturers, engineering service providers and research institutes. The asc(s provides the environment for smooth cooperations. Enterprises work hand in hand at the asc(s, thus gaining new impulses for the development of their products.
Contact person: Alexander Frederic Walser, General Manager, Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e. V.; Phone: +49 (0) 711 699659-21, alexander.walser@asc-s.de, www.asc-s.de
Company profile DLR:
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research center of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its extensive research and development work in aeronautics, space, energy, transport, digitalization and security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. DLR has approximately 8000 employees at 20 locations. About 170 scientists from various fields like engineering, psychology and computer sciences research and develop for automotive and railway systems as well as for traffic management in the Institute of Transportation Systems at the sites Braunschweig and Berlin. With this research they make a contribution to increasing safety and efficiency of road and railway traffic. While doing so, they keep the demands and impacts within the whole traffic system in mind. The close cooperation between the institutes and facilities of the DLR enables synergies between aviation, aeronautics and energy management.
Contact person: Martin Fischer, Group Leader Validation Technologies, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Phone: +49 (0) 531 295-2951, Ma.Fischer@dlr.de
Company profile VDC:
The Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) is Germany's leading network for Virtual Engineering and Virtual Reality. Since 2002 the VDC creates synergies between the network members and supports technology transfer. More than 100 members and partners – among them research institutions, technology suppliers, service providers, users and multipliers – are cooperating in the topics of simulation, visualisation, product lifecycle management (PLM), computer aided engineering (CAE) and virtual reality (VR) along the entire virtual engineering value chain. Hence the cluster members benefit from a higher innovation activity and productivity due to information and cost advantages compared to companies outside the network. These competitive advantages are a result of transparent competences, raised information flow and easier business contacts. The services of the VDC include information search and processing, marketing and dissemination, match making on national and international level, – technology transfer and funding management. The VDC organizes each year many workshops, match making events and congresses like the Virtual Efficiency Congress (VEC, www.virtual-efficiency.de).
Contact person: Dr.-Ing. Christoph Runde, General Manager, Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) Fellbach w. V.; Phone: +49 (0) 711 58 53 09-0, presse@vdc-fellbach.de, www.vdc-fellbach.de
Download press release and photos: http://www.vdc-fellbach.de/downloads/pressemeldungen
Please send your specimen copies to: presse@vdc-fellbach.de
Event organization office:
Ms. Natalia Schuchart
Automotive Simulation Center Stuttgart e.V.
Curiestraße 2
70563 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0) 711 699 659-10
email: natalia.schuchart@asc-s.de
Press contact:
Ms. Michaela Kluin
Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) Fellbach
Auberlenstraße 13
70736 Fellbach
Phone: +49 (0) 711 58 53 09-12
email: michaela.kluin@vdc-fellbach.de