The next Congress of the European Polymer Federation (EPF) will be held in Dresden, Germany, from June 21 to 26, 2015. It is organized by the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. (IPF) and the German Chemical Society (GDCh). Congress chairperson is Professor Brigitte Voit, President of the EPF and Director of the IPF.
European Polymer Congresses are held every two years at different places in Europe and are the most important meeting points of European polymer science. They address a broad scope of topical challenges in polymer science and provide an excellent basis for interdisciplinary exchange.
Polymer research may contribute a lot to find solutions to global challenges such as sustainability, efficient use of resources, novel technologies for energy generation and storage, further development of the information technology, and development of new medical therapies.
However, the potential can be exploited only in close cooperation of researchers from different fields (e.g. chemistry, physics, material science, medicine, informatics, etc.), and the most innovative new ideas arise from exchange of ideas and cooperations beyond traditional borders of disciplines. Therefore, topics of the European Polymer Congress 2015 are:
· Advances in macromolecular synthesis: From precision polymer structures towards interactive polymer materials
· Nanomaterials and composites: Preparation, characterization, processing, modelling, application
· Polymers meet biology: Bioinspired and bioactive polymers, biohybrides and polymers at the biointerface
· From polymer science to soft matter science
· More with less: Polymers address challenges of resources, sustainability, and energy efficiency
· The post-silicon age: Polymer and organic electronics
For the 2015 congress the organizers expect again 1200 to 1500 participants from all over Europe and beyond. The scientific program will include plenary talks of Kristie Anseth (USA), Vincenzo Busico (Italien), Antonio Facchetti (USA), Ilias Iliopoulus (Frankreich), Eugenia Kumacheva (Kanada), Tom McLeish (Großbritannien), Klaus Müllen (Deutschland) und Karen Wooley (USA), about 50 invited keynote lectures (cf. website www.epf2015.org) and up to almost 400 short oral presentations and 800 posters. In addition, the program includes an Australian-European Workshop as well as an industrial exhibition.
Contributions may be submitted by January 15, 2015.
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