Digitally created and saved in the cloud - how the digital twin accompanies the component throughout its entire life cycle will be a central topic at the ICTM Conference.
© Photo Fraunhofer IPT
The event, which is organized by the Fraunhofer Institutes for Production Technolgy IPT and Laser Technology ILT, provides attendants of the turbomachinery industry with current information and the opportunity to discuss new developments around the major topics “Advanced Machining”, “Digitalization”, “Industrie 4.0” and “Additive Manufacturing”.
Both conference days will feature a number of highly ranked speakers from industry and science, e.g. Dr. Rainer Martens from the MTU Aero Engines AG, Munich, Prof Ingomar Kelbassa from the Siemens AG, Berlin, Dr. Volker Kreidler from the SAP SE, Walldorf, Dr. Alan Epstein from Pratt & Whitney, U.S.A, and Stéphane Abed from Poly-Shape SAS, France.
Extensive program for experts from industry and science
The presentations will be accompanied by an industrial exhibition where leading companies will present new products and services at the Eurogress Aachen. Eleven companies have already been confirmed as exhibitors, including the SLM Solutions AG, the EOS GmbH and the Siemens AG. Further exhibitor booths can still be reserved via the organizers.
Moreover, the attendants of the conference have the opportunity to interact in face-to-face exchange with experts from industry and science and to discuss specific challenges, problems, ideas and solutions. The practical aspect will be covered during live presentations in the facilities of the Fraunhofer ILT and IPT: Here, particular applications of the latest laser and machining technologies will be demonstrated first-hand.
The ICTM International Center for Turbomachinery Manufacturing in Aachen was initiated as a joint initiative of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL of the RWTH Aachen University as well as the Chair of Laser Technology LLT of the RWTH Aachen University.
Aim of the ICTM Aachen is to speed up technological innovations and to transfer them into industrial applications. It will employ the full technology portfolio of all of its members to provide excellent R&D for turbomachinery manufacturing.
To download the full conference program and to register online, please go to: