ILUS 2017 will examine new concepts in overlapping fields of studies which focus on the question how recent developments in spatial analysis and modelling can lead to sustainable resource management and better support of planning and urban and regional development.
The programme consists of three main topics: Big Data and the City as a Complex System, Historic Settlement and Landscape Analysis, Morphological Analysis. An open section provides space for other relevant contributions.
The symposium will be opened with contributions of renowned international scientists in the area of spatial analysis and spatial planning. Keynote speeches will be held for example by Nikos A. Salingaros, University of Texas/USA, Luís M. Bettencourt, Santa Fe Institute/USA, Anna Hersperger, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Marc Barthélemy, Institut de Physique Theorique/France, Bin Jiang, University of Gävle/Sweden, and Dr. Serge Salat, Urban Morphology and Complex Systems Institute, Paris.
Call for Abstracts
Suggested topics for English-language presentations can be submitted at the latest by 31 July 2017. Early-stage researchers are encouraged to contribute. Selected contributions will be published in a special issue. The detailed call for abstracts is published on the symposium website: http://www.ilus2017.ioer.info.
Early Bird Registration until 31 August 2017
The registration for participants without own contribution is possible from now on, too. The early bird fee (registration by 31 August 2017) is 300 Euro, for students (including PhD students) 150 Euro. The regular fee (starting from 01 September 2017) is 350 Euro, for students 200 Euro.
About ILUS
The biennial International Land Use Symposium brings together leading academics in the fields of GIScience and spatial planning. Objective of the interdisciplinary conference is to advance the understanding of built-up areas and to develop new ideas for the sustainable use of the precious resource soil. ILUS brings together leading academics and interested attendees for presentation, discussion, and collaborative networking in the fields of spatial sciences, environmental studies, geography, cartography, GIScience, urban planning, architecture, which relate to investigations of settlements and infrastructure.
The symposium is organized by the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional development (IOER).
Dr. Martin Behnisch, phone: +49 351 46 79-260, e-mail: M.Behnisch[at]ioer.de
http://www.ilus2017.ioer.info – further information, submission of abstracts, registration