Event News

IVAM’s LaserForum visits the Swiss canton of St. Gallen with the topic ultrashort pulse lasers

The tenth IVAM LaserForum takes place in Buchs in the Swiss canton of St. Gallen on October 17, 2017.

Ultrashort pulse lasers generate light pulses in the megawatt range and a with pulse duration in the range of pico and femtoseconds. They are the ideal industrial tool for micromachining – i.e. cutting, drilling, ablation, or structuring – of various materials such as metals, ceramics, semiconductors, polymers and even biomaterials.

At the LaserForum 2017 speakers from Switzerland, Austria, France and Germany present the latest scientific and technical results in the field of ultrashort pulse laser technology and examples of applications.

The program features three sessions, “New Technologies for Ultrashort Pulse Lasers and Systems”, “Materials Processing with Ultrashort Pulse Lasers” and “Medical Applications of Ultrashort Pulse Lasers”. Following the lectures and discussions, the participants are invited to join a guided tour of the NTB Interstate University of Applied Sciences.

Partners of this year's LaserForum, in addition to the NTB, are the traditional co-organizers of the event, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., and the Chair of Applied Laser Technology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

The LaserForum 2017 is also supported by the Swiss networks Swissphotonics and Swissmem (Focus Group Photonics), and the business development company St. GallenBodenseeArea.

The LaserForum events series presents selected issues and trends surrounding the application of laser technology in different fields once a year. The forum offers a platform for discussion among industry experts. The event is aimed at developers, manufacturers and users of laser technology.

The LaserForum 2017 is held in German.

http://www.ivam.de/events/laserforum_2017 Program and registration

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