The 18th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2015) is jointly organised by Graz University of Technology and VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research Center. It will be held for the first time in Austria and will take place at Graz University of Technology.
The conference will cover numerous disciplines related to material forming including metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. Innovative applications of materials, for example in medicine, are also welcome.
All traditional and new forming processes are considered relevant. All in all, the ESAFORM 2015 will bring together specialists from academia and industry all around the world, to discuss the latest technological innovations and recent achievements in material forming.
Conference Format
The conference is structured into several mini-symposia, following the format of parallel sessions. Plenary lectures will be given by outstanding researchers from both scientific and industrial fields followed by oral presentations by the participants, who submitted a paper for the conference.
The mini-symposia will cover topics, such as:
• Formability of metallic and composite materials,
• Forging and rolling and other forming processes
• Continuum constitutive modelling and scale transition modelling
• Additive manufacturing and non-conventional processes
• Structures, properties and processing of polymers (and biomass based materials)
• Innovative joining by forming technologies
• Intelligent computation in forming processes
Pre-Conference Workshop –
„Advanced Physical Simulation for Metals Forming“
The two days course will take place from 13th to 14th of April 2015. Topics will include thermo-mechanical simulation of industrial processes at laboratory scale (e.g. rolling or friction stir processing) as well as the description of the flow and its correlation with the microstructure evolution.
During the first day, experiments will be carried out at a physical simulator (Gleeble®3800). The second day will be used to interpret the flow data obtained and to carry out FEM simulation of deformed samples.
Conference Chairs
Prof. Christof Sommitsch, Graz University of Technology
Dr. Aldo Ofenheimer, VIRTUAL VEHICLE
Registration & More Information
Graz University of Technology – Institute of Materials Science and Welding
“Our Mission – Passionate Lecturers and Researchers
Our Vision – Materials Science for a Modern Society”
The Institute of Materials Science and Welding belongs to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences and concentrates on the development of high performance materials, on materials modelling and process simulation as well as on joining technologies. The 70 researchers, lecturers and assistants work in an atmosphere of freedom and internationality to acquire, deepen and transfer knowledge in Materials Science. Fundamental and applied research is carried out in intense cooperation with a large number of partners from both academia and industry. We also provide services of consulting and failure analysis, and advice and supervise production and construction of mechanical and structural parts. The institute has a strong presence in the fields of expertise Mobility and Production and Advanced Materials Science in research as well as teaching aspects.
VIRTUAL VEHICLE is an internationally operating research centre that develops affordable, safe and environmentally friendly vehicles for road and rail.
With over 200 employees, the centre collaborates with more than 100 domestic and international partners from science and industry. The key aspects of expertise include connecting numeric simulation and experimental verification, as well as developing a comprehensive, full-vehicle system simulation.
The COMET K2 program provides the basis for funded research activities until at least the end of 2017. An extensive involvement in EU-projects as well as a broad portfolio of commissioned research and services round out the activities of VIRTUAL VEHICLE.
Mrs. Isabella Scheiber
+43 (0)316 873-7182
Mrs. Julia D’Orazio
+43 (0)316 873-9094
http://www.esaform2015.at – Conference Website
http://www.v2c2.at – Website VIRTUAL VEHICLE
http://iws.TUGraz.at – Website Institute of Materials Science and Welding / Graz University of Technology