“Gemeinsam – Arbeit – Erleben” (Together – Work – Experience), that’s the motto of this year’s conference on “Mensch und Computer” which is taking place in Stuttgart from 6th until 9th of September. Here, researchers present new developments from the field of electronic media and digital communication, discuss ideas, and reflect on transformations. A special focus lies on the many challenges in the work life of today and tomorrow.
The conference is conjointly hosted by the University of Stuttgart, the Media University or Stuttgart (HdM) and by the Fraunhofer IAO and is actively supported by the specialist field of “Mensch und Computer” of the “Gesellschaft für Informatik” as well as the “Usability Professionals” and by the Informatics Centre INFOS of the University of Stuttgart.
Yvonne Rogers will be giving the opening keynote about “User-less or User-full Interfaces?”, which takes place on Monday, September 7th, at 9am in Pfaffenwaldring 57 (HS 57.03). The closing keynote will be held on September 9th, at 11am, by Florian Michahelles from Siemens Corporate Technology on “Interaction with the Internet of Things” (Pfaffenwaldring 47, HS 47.01).
Media representatives are welcome to join all events. Further information and the program can be found at: http://muc2015.mensch-und-computer.de/
Electronic media and digital communication are integral parts of today’s everyday life. Computer technology is changing our lives. Software is creating new experiences.
Information systems allow new forms of work. A lot of what is self-evident today would not be possible without modern information and communication technologies. Work enjoyment, but also frustration, is often rooted in the computers we work with.
Designers of digital technologies have a big design space at their disposal, with which they directly affect individuals’ lives. They determine the implementation of systems: what’s feasible, what isn’t, what’s easy, what’s complicated. Hence, designers and developers have great responsibility and they are aware of the consequences of their doing.
Conference with Interaction
In this sense, the conference “Mensch und Computer 2015” presents innovative solutions and new methods for shaping the areas of our work life and how we will work in the future with enjoyment. Many ideas, topics, and projects in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, and User Experience provide inspirations and the basis for exciting discussions.
With a versatile program Human-Computer Interaction can be experienced, which is essential for understanding new ideas. The conference chairs Dr. Albrecht Schmidt (University of Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Michael Burmester (HdM) and apl. Prof. Dr. Anette Weisbecker (Fraunhofer IAO) highlight the possibilities: “The field is fueled by touching, trying, interacting, and discussing, which is exactly what this conference creates a platform for.”
We invite scientists, researchers, designers, and practitioners who are pushing the development and design of Human-Computer Interaction to join this year’s conference. 3 high-class keynotes will be given as well as a great number of talks, 20 tutorials, and 22 workshops. Additionally, 23 demos will be shown during the night event. More than 650 participants from both academia and industry are already signed up.
Further information:
Prof. Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart, Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS), Human-Computer Interaction Group,
phone: 0711/685-60048, E-Mail: albrecht.schmidt (at) vis.uni-stuttgart.de
Andrea Mayer-Grenu, University of Stuttgart, Dept. for Communication,
phone: 0711/685-82176, E-Mail: andrea.mayer-grenu (at) hkom.uni-stuttgart.de