Event News

Key Insights from the 2018 ROS-Industrial Conference

6th ROS-Industrial Conference 2018 in Stuttgart's SI-Centrum


The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA 2018 is organizing the sixth ROS-Industrial Conference to bring together developers, suppliers and users of ROS technologies.

At this year’s conference, special focus will be on three topics. The first one are recent developments for software quality assessment, embedded systems, and complex architectures. Under the motto “Robotics meets IT”, speakers from Bosch, Canonical, Google and Fraunhofer IPA will talk about how robotics and IT are converging, be it in methods or business models, for deployment, updated workflows, and cloud technologies.

Well-known companies present their ROS-support

The second focus lies on ROS support from robot or technology component vendors, e.g. ABB, Denso, Ensenso, Pilz, Roboception, Universal Robots, and others. Third, several application examples in aerospace, automotive, logistics are on the agenda.

In addition, participants have the chance to learn about ROS activities in Europe and how to get involved. This includes financial support within an EU-funded project for ROS developments.

Furthermore, the event will include a welcome talk on how “Robotics impacts Industry and Society: What are the Numbers and Trends” (Fraunhofer IPA), as well as three keynotes: “Open-Source Robotics for Fun & Profit” (Picknik Consulting and MoveIt!), “Robotics and Automation in the Age of the API Economy” (UC San Diego and ROBO Global), “Flexible Automotive Assembly with Industrial Co-workers” (Opel, FZI).

Open-source software as competitive factor

The conference is an ideal opportunity to get the latest insights into ROS and its applications. These have grown steadily in recent years. While ROS in its beginnings since 2007 was mainly used in science and for the development of service robot technologies, it has also found its way into the automation industry in recent years.

And with good reason, because the concept of jointly developed and usable software is an ideal opportunity to arrive at completely new forms of development and business models.

With ROS, companies can immediately use basic technologies for robots without needing many of their own resources. Commercial use of ROS is also possible. Open-source software has the potential to become a decisive competitive factor; discover how at this year’s ROS-Industrial conference.

Mirko Bordignon, Ph.D., Phone: +49 711 970-1629, E-Mail: mirko.bordignon@ipa.fraunhofer.de


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