Seminars Workshops

Online Seminar of the Fraunhofer WKI: "Thermography on Rotor Blades"

Hidden defects in rotor blades of wind energy turbines can cause huge economic losses and, in the worst case of a breaking blade, threaten human lives. Consequently, the detection of structural anomalies in rotor blades should have the first priority.

Today however, most blades leave production without proper quality control. Moreover, possible damages by transport and assembly are not inspected sufficiently.

WKI's research activities have focussed on methods for detecting defects in rotor blades since many years. Of particular importance are the passive and the active infrared thermography. In such a way, defects such as delaminations, defective adhesive joints, dry laminates, ingress of moisture, but also wrinkles could be detected in many blades.

The webinar comprises the complete field of defect detection in rotor blades by means of thermography. An introduction into the technique of passive and active thermography is followed by a discussion of current problems in rotor blades and their non-destructive detection with the help of many examples.

The webinar will close with an outlook on possible future developments. – further Information and free registration

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