Technology Offerings

4D-PET- and SPECT-Phantom model compounds with anatomic realistic contours

The invention relates to a method which produces repeated and reproducible 4D-movements of a phantom model for measurements in PET, SPECT, CT and radio oncologic accelerators. According to the invention, the usable phantoms illustrate realistic tumor geometries with-out interfering glass and plastic partitions. With the help of the invention, PET-, SPECT- and CT-data can be evaluated. Additionally new algorithms of re-construction and the influence of ana-tomic movements on medical imaging can be tested for all of the three tech-niques. With the help of a kinematic con-catenation which consists of two rota-tional and one prismatic joint, the 3D-movements of the phantom models can be adapt on trajectories analog to the human respiration.

Further information: PDF

PVA Mecklenburg-Vorpommern AG
Phone: +49 (0)381 49747-38

Christian Tholen

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