Technology Offerings

Boost Dim Image Quality with Innovative Night Vision Algorithm

The Technology provides a new and outstanding method for the enhancement of the
quality of dim images. Inspired by the spatial integration of visual information in
nocturnal insects, the algorithm successfully enhances the contrast and brightness of
dim images and removes noise while preserving fine details and object contours. The
patented system is applicable to field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) or image
processors, which offer parallel computing capabilities. A wide variety of capabilities
and markets from automotive sector to the enhancement of diagnostic images can be

Further information: PDF

Wissenstransferzentrum Süd (WTZ Süd)
Phone: +43(0)316-873 6925

Moritz Theisen

As Germany's association of technology- and patenttransfer agencies TechnologieAllianz e.V. is offering businesses access to the entire range of innovative research results of almost all German universities and numerous non-university research institutions. More than 2000 technology offers of 14 branches are beeing made accessable to businesses in order to assure your advance on the market. At a free, fast and non-bureaucratic access to all further offers of the German research landscape is offered to our members aiming to sucessfully transfer technologies.

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