Trade Fair News

Testing one’s knowledge while being out and about

The e-assessment tool askMe! by Fraunhofer IDMT offers tasks adapted for the individual learning progress.


askMe!, which has been developed by Fraunhofer IDMT under the direction of Dr. Christian Saul, is the perfect knowledge assistant for students and trainees. »No matter where you are, whether it’s in a café, in the library, or on the bus, you can use askMe! to identify knowledge gaps and improve your knowledge base. And as the tool comes with interactive, multimedia featured exercises, it’s even fun to use«, says Christian Saul.

The tool consists of two basic components: a test environment for students and an authoring environment for tutors. askMe! can be used for a variety of disciplines and topics, for which it can be »filled« with specific questions to answer and exercises to work on.

The authoring environment is easy to use and offers a multitude of generic exercise/question types, on the basis of which more specific exercises and questions can quickly be generated.

With askMe! students may take advantage of two different test modes: either they can use knowledge tests to prepare themselves for exams at school or in the context of continuing education, or they can compile tests and exercises individually in order to train specific topics.

Students’ motivation is always kept at a high level, as askMe! automatically adjusts questions and exercises to the individual learning progress. This is done through semantic linking of questions and exercises with a competency model, allowing to make detailed statements on existing and/or »extendable« competencies of a student.

If a student has deficits with regard to a certain area of knowledge, they may deliberately train their knowledge in this area to improve their competencies over linked educational content.

askMe! comes with a user-friendly dashboard, on which the student’s learning goals to be accomplished, their strengths and weaknesses, and their test results are displayed to both the student and the tutor, facilitating quick conclusions on the student’s individual learning progress.

askMe! can also be used offline. Data produced during offline sessions can be saved on the device and later, when in the online mode again, synchronized with the system. So askMe! can really be used anywhere and at any time, making excuses for not being prepared for a test pointless.

Please feel free to stop by the Fraunhofer booth B61.4 in Hall 1 to test your knowledge using askMe!. – information about askMe!

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