Trade Fair News

World Premiere at Prolight & Sound: First Mixing Console with integrated SpatialSound Wave 3D Sound

The new Salzbrenner Polaris Evolution mixing console with integrated SpatialSound Wave technology by Fraunhofer IDMT allows object oriented sound reproduction.

Tobias Heinl/Fraunhofer IDMT

With SpatialSound Wave (SSW), integrated in the new ’POLARIS evolution’ mixing con-sole by Salzbrenner, sound engineers will have the opportunity to work with 3D sound objects in a highly individualized and personalized manner.

The worldwide first mixing console with SSW 3D audio technology can be used for mixing live and playback sound as well as for producing impressive shows. SpatialSound Wave can be integrated as an add-on solution with practically any multimedia system available on the market.

How SpatialSound Wave works together with Salzbrenner’s ’POLARIS evolution’ mixing con-sole will be demonstrated at the convention. System control is either automated or can be done in real time via an intuitive user interface.

SpatialSound Wave is based on Fraunhofer’s many years of experience in 3D sound technology, such as Wave Field Synthesis.

Instead of traditional channel based sound engineering, the system is object oriented, creating an entirely new quality of true-to-life spatial sound reproduction – regardless of the listener’s position and the loudspeaker arrangement. Due to its great setup flexibility, the system is ideal for being used for live events, theaters, and broadcast

Please stop by booth C90 in Hall 8, and inform yourself about the great acoustics of the system, and how it can be easily integrated with existing product environments. The sound will be delivered virtually invisibly with the latest generation of Fraunhofer’s high-end, extremely small-sized (23x37x2,5 cm) planar speakers.

On April 17, Fraunhofer’s booth will be hosting a one-hour workshop entitled »Produc-tion mit SpatialSound Wave«, in the course of which experts from Salzbrenner Stagetec Mediagroup will be demonstrating the integration of the Fraunhofer sound system with the POLARIS mixing console.

Furthermore, Stefan Zaradić, the CEO of Zaraproduction, a renowned recording studio located in Munich, will speak about his experience as a producer and sound designer using SpatialSound Wave. Zaraproduction has been using their own SpatialSound Wave system since the end of 2014. Mr Zaradić will also be presenting some of his work to the audience. Anybody interested in SpatialSound Wave is welcome to join the workshop (starting at 2 p.m.)! – Information about SpatialSound Wave – Information about planar speakers

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