The bestLog Workshop III – Actions for Policy Makers and the Industry

In this workshop, which is the third in a series of workshops throughout 2008, Best Practice Case Studies will be presented and logistics professionals from various sectors will be discussing knowledge and innovation management in logistics.
This workshop will address questions such as
o What can firms do to improve available logistics infrastructure?
o Competition vs Cooperation; can environmental concerns soften firms' and governments' stance of collusion?
o Are standards needed for measuring carbon footprints?
o Is there a need for a standard approach to evaluate infrastructure development projects?
The bestLog Project is establishing an exchange platform for the improvement of supply chain management practice across Europe. BestLog aims to set standards for logistics practice and education as well as create growth and employment accordingly.
The workshop is free of charge and registrations can be made online on the bestLog website www.bestLog.org.
For further information visit our website:
www.bestlog.org or contact Balkan Cetinkaya and Peter Franke,
Berlin Institute of Technology, Logistics Department, H90,
Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin,
Tel.: +49 (0)30 314-29980, E-Mail: info@bestlog.org