The International Borneo Business Conference (IBBC) 2014

Started in 2004, the International Borneo Business Conference (IBBC) has emerged as a platform for academicians, researchers, practitioners, policy makers to interact and exchange viewpoints and research findings on contemporary business and economics issues related to the Borneo region and the global world. IBBC is a biennial conference and the previous three conferences were successfully held in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012.

The 6th International Borneo Business Conference (IBBC) 2014 is organised by the Faculty of Business and Economics, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), on August 20 – 21, 2014. IBBC 2014 continues its tradition of bringing together participants from local and international universities, private and government institutions or agencies and various industrial sectors to exchange their experiences and ideas.

The theme of IBBC 2014 is “Global Business and Economic Transformation”. In conjunction to the recent developments in the business and economic environments, the theme is chosen to solicit active and dynamic discussions on issues pertaining to global climate change, global economic and financial crises and their impacts on the business and economic climates in the Borneo as well as the global world.

The conference accepts working papers on global business, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, internet marketing, global marketing, global financial management, regional economics, global economics, financial economics, Islamic finance and economics, and any other business and economics studies.

The International Borneo Business Conference (IBBC) 2014 will be held on August 20 – 21, 2014.

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