Breakthrough Technology Leads to Life-Saving Treatment for Deadly Skin Reaction

Pathology image of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, showing epidermal detachment.
Image: MD T. Nordmann

A global team of researchers led by Matthias Mann at the MPI of Biochemistry has made a groundbreaking discovery that saves the lives of patients suffering from toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). TEN is a rare but often fatal reaction to common medications, causing widespread detachment of the skin. Using spatial proteomics, the team identified the inflammatory JAK/STAT pathway as the main driver of disease. After validating their findings in pre-clinical models, they successfully treated the first seven patients worldwide with JAK inhibitors, all of which showed rapid and full recovery. This bench-to-bedside breakthrough study has been published in the Nature.

Proteomics Shifts the Paradigm

The researchers used spatial proteomics to analyze skin samples from TEN patients. This cutting-edge approach, known as Deep Visual Proteomics (DVP), merges powerful microscopy with AI-driven analysis, laser-guided microdissection and ultimately ultra-high sensitivity mass spectrometry. They zoomed in on individual cells and studied them like never before, creating a map of the thousands of proteins driving this deadly reaction.

Dr. Nordmann, first author, clinician-scientist at the MPIB and senior dermatologist at the LMU explains: “By applying spatial proteomics to archived patient samples suffering from TEN, we were able to precisely isolate and analyze individual cell types and understand what is actually occurring in the skin of these patients. We identified a striking hyperactivation of the inflammatory JAK/STAT pathway, revealing an opportunity to intervene in this deadly condition with JAK inhibitors, a class of drugs already used to treat other inflammatory conditions, such as atopic dermatitis or rheumatoid arthritis.”

TEN is a rare but extremely severe adverse reaction to common medications, such as allopurinol (which is used to treat gout) or certain antibiotics. TEN causes widespread blistering and detachment of the skin. With a mortality rate of up to 30%, it rapidly transforms from a seemingly harmless rash into a life-threatening condition. Until now, no effective therapy existed for TEN, with treatment primarily limited to supportive care.

The team validated their findings across a variety of preclinical studies, including in vitro models and two distinct mouse models. The results were consistent and overwhelmingly positive: JAK inhibitors show real potential in treating this devastating condition. These discoveries were further strengthened by a global collaboration across six countries, demonstrating the power of partnership in solving urgent medical challenges.

A new therapy on the horizon for TEN patients

In partnership with clinical teams led by Professor Ji at the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian medical University in China, they administered JAK inhibitors to patients suffering from TEN. Remarkably, all seven patients experienced rapid improvement and full recovery upon treatment.

Professor French, co-corresponding author and Chair of Dermatology at LMU Munich, says: “The new evidence that inhibition of the JAK/STAT pathway has potential to reduce the high mortality of this severe adverse cutaneous drug reaction paves the way for clinical trials aimed at regulatory approval of JAK inhibitors to solve one of the most serious unmet needs in medicine.”

While larger clinical trials are needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of JAK inhibitors in TEN, this study provides hope for patients facing this devastating condition. It also opens up new opportunities for drug repurposing and development. The Max Planck Society has filed patent applications together with the Ludwig Maximilian University for the use of JAK inhibitors in treating TEN and related conditions, creating potential for further development.

“Our findings not only open new avenues for treating TEN but also highlight the potential of spatial proteomics in driving medical breakthroughs,” says Professor Mann. “To our knowledge, this is the first time a spatial omics technology has made an immediate and tangible impact in the clinic, by identifying a treatment that has already changed people’s lives for the good. This approach could be applied to a wide range of diseases, potentially accelerating drug discovery across multiple fields of medicine.”


Deep Visual Proteomics: a spatial proteomics method developed in the laboratory of Professor Matthias Mann (Mund et al., Nature Biotechnology, 2022). This method combines modern microscopy, artificial intelligence, laser microdissection and ultra-sensitive mass spectrometry.

JAK inhibitors: are drugs that inhibit the JAK (Janus kinase) protein and thus block the JAK/STAT signaling pathway.

JAK/STAT signaling pathway: is a signaling pathway occurring in cells in which the JAK (Janus kinase) protein and the STAT protein (Signal Transducers and Activator of Transcription) are involved. This pathway is critical for various cellular processes, including inflammation, cell growth, and differentiation.

Mass spectrometry: is an analytical technique that separates and measures ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio to identify and quantify chemical substances or molecules. It is a cornerstone technology in proteomics, enabling the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins in complex biological samples.

Microdissection: is a microscopic procedure in which individual cells or groups of cells are cut out of a tissue section using a laser.

Omics technology: is a collective term for a group of methods in biotechnology and biology that enable the global analysis of biomolecules in biological systems. The methodology has the potential to show the overall context of biological systems. Common “omics” technologies are: Genomics: examines the entire genome, i.e., the entirety of DNA in a cell; Transcriptomics: analyzes the entire set of RNA molecules produced in a cell. Proteomics: examines the entire set of proteins produced by a cell or organism. Metabolomics: the study of all the metabolites in a cell and epigenomics: the study of all the epigenetic modifications in a genetic material.

Proteome: comprises the totality of all proteins in a living organism, a tissue or a cell at a specific point in time. The proteome is highly dynamic and reacts to the requirements of the cell, as well as to diseases or environmental influences.

Proteomics: is the study of the proteome.

Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:

Prof. Dr. Matthias Mann
Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Am Klopferspitz 18
82152 Martinsried/Planegg



Thierry M. Nordmann, Holly Anderton, Akito Hasegawa, Lisa Schweizer, Peng Zhang, Pia-Charlotte Stadler, Ankit Sinha, Andreas Metousis, Florian A. Rosenberger, Maximilian Zwiebel, Takashi K. Satoh, Florian Anzengruber, Maximilian T. Strauss, Maria C. Tanzer, Yuki Saito, Ting Gong, Marvin Thielert, Haruna Kimura, Natasha Silke, Edwin H. Rodriguez, Gaetana Restivo, Hong Ha Nguyen, Annette Gross, Laurence Feldmeyer, Lukas Joerg, Mitchell P. Levesque, Peter J. Murray, Saskia Ingen-Housz-Oro, Andreas Mund, Riichiro Abe, John Silke, Chao Ji, Lars E. French & Matthias Mann: Spatial proteomics identifies JAKi as treatment for a lethal skin disease, Nature, October 2024


Media Contact

Dr. Christiane Menzfeld Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie

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