Agricultural and Forestry Science

Testing Fumigant Films that Keep the Air Clean

Research leader Sharon Papiernik, with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory in Brookings, S.D., used…

Corn yields with perennial cover crop are equal to traditional farming

Using standard agronomic practices and managing a perennial cover crop between rows of corn can keep soil, nutrients and carbon in the fields, a three-year…

Pacific Northwest trees struggle for water while standing in it

Due to freeze-thaw cycles in winter, water flow is disrupted when air bubbles form in the conductive xylem of the trees. Because of that, some of these tall…

Grazing Management Effects on Stream Pollutants

Pasturelands have been found to be major sources of sediment, phosphorus and pathogens in Midwest surface water resources. While poor grazing management may…

Farms of the Future: Bio-Oil, Biochar from Biomass

Those pyrolysis plants would pass that crude “bio-oil” on to refineries elsewhere to be made into drop-in fuels and industrial chemicals; they would capture…

Northwest Forest Plan has unintended benefit – carbon sequestration

When forest harvest levels fell 82 percent on public forest lands in the years after passage of this act, they became a significant carbon “sink” for the first…

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