The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) funded the $14 million project, with Virginia Tech's share at about $2 million. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that more than…
At a meeting held today, two years after the building was opened, the architects, planners and clients concluded that the results, in terms of energy use and…
The same pedestrian-structure interaction has also been identified on several other bridges, including Bristol's famous Clifton Suspension Bridge. The…
“It is a humanistic inquiry that recognizes that buildings and settings, alone, do not make place,” he said in a talk Dec. 13 at the annual meeting of the…
Beginning in the spring, budding construction managers at UALR — the University of Arkansas at Little Rock — and around the world can learn building…
The TLS, a laser measuring tool used to detect deterioration within architectural structures, was used by researchers from the University of Salamanca to…