Automotive Engineering highlights issues related to automobile manufacturing – including vehicle parts and accessories – and the environmental impact and safety of automotive products, production facilities and manufacturing processes.
innovations-report offers stimulating reports and articles on a variety of topics ranging from automobile fuel cells, hybrid technologies, energy saving vehicles and carbon particle filters to engine and brake technologies, driving safety and assistance systems.
A giant leap forward in the realism of virtual reality (VR) may be just around the corner as a team of European researchers near the completion of a pioneering project to add textures, lighting effects and ‘feel’ to computer-generated 3D models.
Launched in 2002, the RealReflect project was the first attempt to use a new image acquisition technique known as Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) that captures the look and feel of different materials. When this IST programme funded-
M+W Zander offers particle measurement cabinet for development of soot particle filters
M+W Zander has developped with partners a special Particle Measurement Cabinet (PMC) for the automobile industry. It prevents measurements of soot particles from being affected by interferences caused by mechanical vibrations as well as fluctuations in temperature and humidity. The PMC has already been sold to a number of automobile manufacturers and suppliers.
Development and qualific
Cars are now able to speak by means of sensors attached to wheel rims and seats. With the new technology a car tells you if the tyre pressures are too low or the driver is falling asleep. Intelligent tyres and seats increase driving comfort.
The Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Nokian Tyres and Emfit Oy are merging information technology solutions, some of which are already known while others are still being developed, and turning them into something that is an everyday feature
Fester, leichter und bereits in der Auto-Serienproduktion nutzbar: Warmumformung mit Nanobeschichtung ist das Ergebnis einer neuartigen Entwicklung. Diese weltweit neue Technologie wird erstmals in der Karosserieproduktion des neuen VW Passat eingesetzt. Die Volkswagen AG und die ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG unterstützten diese Entwicklung des Kasseler Maschinenbau-Fachgebiets Umformtechnik unter Leitung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kurt Steinhoff mit der Saarbrücker Nano-X GmbH. Der Warmumformungsprüfsta
More than 20 partners from all areas of the European car industry worked together in the EUREKA ITEA Cluster EAST-EEA project to develop a common software interface for electronic devices to be used in all cars from 2009. This will make the next generation of vehicles quicker to design and cheaper to bring to market, while maintaining high quality standards.
Electronics are being used increasingly to improve safety and comfort in all areas of the car – from engine, steering and br
PlayStation users worldwide can now see for themselves what happens when Ariane launcher technology is applied to Le Mans racing. All they have to do is sit back and select which Pescarolo racing car they want to test-drive.
Gran Turismo 4, a new PlayStation 2 game, features the two custom-built top-performance Pescarolo racing cars that took part in the Le Mans endurance race in 2003 and 2004. Both were constructed using technologies developed for European space programmes.