It is far from every day that Norwegian researchers achieve the feat of getting into print in the Journal of Marketing, which is reckoned to be the foremost…
The Marketing Science Institute (MSI)/H. Paul Root Award is awarded annually to the research article which represents the greatest contribution to the…
The Award for Biodiversity Conservation projects in Latin America, with prize money of 250,000 euros, goes to Mexican organization Grupo Ecológico Sierra…
The Gold Medal for Astronomy is awarded to Professor Joseph Silk FRS of the Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory at the University of Oxford. This is awarded in…
The award, from the European Union’s Asia Link programme, has been made to Professor Sue Arrowsmith, Director of the Public Procurement Research Group in the…
On the occasion of the current Fall Meeting of the AGU (American Geophysical Union) in San Francisco the German-American GRACE-Team was presented with the…