Awards Funding

11 million Euros for research into magnetic field sensors for medical diagnostics

Research into highly sensitive magnetic field sensors has been the focus of nano research at Kiel University for a number of years. On Wednesday, 25 May, the…

Laser-based Production Process for High Efficiency Solar Cells Wins Award

Photovoltaics and wind energy are major building blocks in the energy transformation, which is one of the biggest challenges society faces in the coming…

Award for ground-breaking measuring methods

This year the most important award in the field of metrology, the science of making precise measurements, was awarded to a team of five Frankfurt atomic…

Innovation Award Laser Technology for Dr. Ir. Armand Pruijmboom, Philips GmbH Photonics Aachen

The jury composed by ten international experts has selected 3 outstanding finalists among the 15 submitted applications. In the historical ambience of the…

Two ERC Advanced Grants for Scientists at the Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials

Sophisticated micro- and nano-objects, as well as functional materials, are Martin Möller’s expertise. Within his ERC-funded project, he strives to make an…

New Tools, Big Effect

Prof. Dr. Henning Jessen has received 1,050,000 US Dollars in funding from the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) for a project…

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