The Friedrich Miescher Laboratory (FML) is the smallest research institute on the Max Planck Campus in Tübingen, Germany. Two of its research group leaders,…
For the eighth year in a row, Fraunhofer IAO and Management Circle have recognized companies that have demonstrated excellence in the field of commercial…
Independent assessors have recently recommended to financially supporting three more projects: a continuous production process for more cost efficient…
Transplantation of stem cells can save the life of patients suffering from leukemia or other blood diseases. Between 30 and 50% of patients undergoing stem…
The KIF-prize is awarded annually to create attention on the significance of women in the field of physics. The prize shall contribute to make women physicists…
The entrepreneurs receive seed capital of up to €260,000. Half of this comes from the Helmholtz Association’s Initiative and Networking Fund, while the other…