Awards Funding

Siemens inventors awarded for innovative railway technology

Web-based maintenance of rail vehicles

Distinguished award for Fraunhofer MEVIS research scientist

Fabian Zöhrer, physicist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS in Bremen, received the GHTC® – the German High Tech Champions Award on…

Where light and motion become one

The laws of quantum physics apply in general at very small scales, governing the behaviour of elementary particles or atoms. Tobias Kippenberg, professor at…

Starting Grants awarded to 27 young researchers

The SNSF set up Temporary Backup Schemes (TBS) in March 2014. They enabled excellent researchers working or planning to work at Swiss research institutions to…

Chips für die Kommunikationstechnik der Zukunft

Prof. Dr. Frank Ellinger erhält heute den mit 20.000 Euro dotierten Forschungspreis Technische Kommunikation der Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung. Der Elektrotechniker…

Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences für Emmanuelle Charpentier

Einer der diesjährigen Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences ging an die HZI-Forscherin Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier. Die zwölf Auszeichnungen, jede mit einem…

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