Awards Funding

EMBO Gold Medal 2014 awarded to Sophie Martin

Martin has been working for the past 15 years to understand cellular polarity, in particular the way in which the spatial organization of cells contributes to…

Bio Particle Explorer gewinnt Innovationspreis

Die Jury würdigte die marktreife Erfindung mit dem dritten Platz und 500 Euro Preisgeld. Kriterien für die Auswahl waren das Innovationslevel, die Relevanz für…

University of Greifswald re-opens application for Rudolf-Stundl-Award for Textile Art

Rudolf Stundl (1897 – 1990), the initiator of artisan rug making in the Region of Western Pomerania, founded the award in 1985. The competition seeks to…

Three Finalists of the Innovation Award Laser Technology 2014

The international jury of the Innovation Award Laser Technology 2014 has selected on the basis of merit three finalists. The team representatives – listed in…

Fraunhofer award for smart scooter

As part of SITL Europe – International Week of Transport and Logistics, the award, which comes with 10,000 euros in prize money, will be presented at a gala…

SNSF Starting Grants: researchers seize the opportunity

Supported by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the SNSF has set up “Temporary Back-up Schemes”. This transitional measure…

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