Awards Funding

Prince of Asturias Award for the Max Planck Society

The MPG has now decided to double the prize money of €50,000 from its own resources to provide young Spanish junior scientists with the opportunity to carry…

Jury and Public Choose the Best CT images of Right Dose Image Contest

This year, Siemens Healthcare held its third contest regarding outstanding results in clinical imaging in computed tomography. Starting today, members of the…

Hebrew University Prof is First Winner of New $100,000 Mathematical Neuroscience Prize

Prof. Haim Sompolinsky of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been awarded the 1st Annual Mathematical Neuroscience Prize by Israel Brain Technologies…

Helmholtz funds the commercial application of three research projects

Since the funding programme began two years ago, twelve projects have been approved.In the latest round of applications, external experts selected three more…

European Rising Star award for Freiburg diabetes researcher

Almost every sixth human worldwide suffers from diabetes, obesity or both. Interestingly, genetic differences can only explain a proportion of cases. A second,…

Million funding for Polymer Research

The European Research Council (ERC), an institution established by the EU Commission, announced on 26th September 2013 in Brussels that Professor Hans-Jürgen…

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