Awards Funding

Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation donates EUR 50 million to further promote the life sciences at JGU

The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation is providing support for top level research at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The foundation will donate a…

Turning Green: Glycerine Use in Manufacturing Can Lead to Cleaner Industrial Processes, Less Pollution

Research that shows how glycerine and other byproducts from biodiesel production can be converted to catalysts for greener industrial processes is being…

International Forum Gastein calls for applications for the 2013 European Health Award

The International Forum Gastein initiated the European Health Award on the occasion of the European Health Forum Gastein´s tenth anniversary in 2007. The Award…

American biochemist to receive this year's Inhoffen Medal

How do bacteria cope when exposed to toxic mercury, how are they able to outlast antibiotics, and how can they be killed using so-called “suicide inhibitors?”…

Helle Ulrich awarded highly prestigious grant to study how damaged DNA is managed by cells

When DNA is replicated it is vulnerable to decay; the ability of cells to deal with this stress is a major factor in protecting our genomes from instability…

The geneticist Professor Dr. Mary-Claire King receives the 2013 Paul Ehrlich Prize 2013

The €100,000 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize goes this year to Mary-Claire King, American Cancer Society Professor in the Department of Genome…

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