Awards Funding

Innovation Prize 2013 by the Council of German BioRegions

Altogether, 6,000 Euros are honoured to ideas from life science research projects with application aims. In 2013, the BioRegio Regensburg with its office…

Mainz neuroscientist Robert Nitsch receives the EU's most highly remunerated research funding award

The European Research Council (ERC) has earmarked some EUR 2.5 million to fund research being conducted by neuroscientist Professor Dr. Robert Nitsch at the…

Siemens Wins Again German Future Prize

Siemens achieved the highest award honoring technology and innovation in Germany for the fourth time – more often than any other company. Joachim Gauck,…

DZNE scientist receives the Alzheimer Research Award of the Hans and Ilse Breuer Foundation

The prize money totals 100,000 EUR and will be shared between the two scientists. The award ceremony took place on the 21st of November as part of the Eibsee…

Gustav Hertz Prize of DPG for Dr. Eleftherios Goulielmakis

This DPG award is in particular given to young physicists in recognition of a recent scientific achievement, in order to encourage young physics students. Dr….

Climate Researcher Receives International Award

750.000 Swiss Francs (approx. EUR 620.000, USD 800.000, GBP 500.000) for each of the four subjects. Half of the amount must be destined by the winners to…

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