The aim of “IMPRS-Age”, the new graduate school, is to train and promote talented junior scientists. While working for their doctorates, young men and women…
To analyze and communicate complex scientific topics is more than just a profession – it is an art. Accordingly, launching a career as Science Journalist…
The graduate and undergraduate students are part of a team competing in EcoCAR 2: Plugging In to the Future, a three-year collegiate engineering competition…
During the yearly major fall meeting, the German Astronomical Society awards internationally renowned prizes to individuals who have made outstanding…
The initiators, Infraserv Höchst and F.A.Z.-Institut Innovation Projects, are pursuing the same goal together with numerous sponsors and partners of the…
FIZ CHEMIE invites attendees of the Fall 2012 ACS Meeting in Philadelphia (19-23, 2012) to take a first look at the new web-based retrieval system currently…