This area provides up-to-date and interesting developments from the world of business, economics and finance.
A wealth of information is available on topics ranging from stock markets, consumer climate, labor market policies, bond markets, foreign trade and interest rate trends to stock exchange news and economic forecasts.
The training courses which are part of the European Union's aid programme to assist applicant countries was won by a UWE cross-faculty bid led by the Bristol…
This survey, conducted in every EU member states under the guidance of Eurostat, is the main statistical instrument for data collection on business innovation,…
There has been a £2 billion rise in UK companies’ R&D investment according to figures published today in the DTI’s 2006 R&D Scoreboard.R&D investment is £19.2…
Will these reforms raise administrative costs?The NHS in England is following the USA, Australia and many countries in Europe in introducing a system of paying…
zamano, now a leading provider of mobile data services, has raised €6m for 25% of its shares placed on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange (AIM)…
However, a monthly internet survey run by the Institute for Enterprise and Innovation at The University of Nottingham has found that opinions within small- and…