Business and Finance

This area provides up-to-date and interesting developments from the world of business, economics and finance.

A wealth of information is available on topics ranging from stock markets, consumer climate, labor market policies, bond markets, foreign trade and interest rate trends to stock exchange news and economic forecasts.

Microtechnology industry is hiring – positive developments of past years continue

Staff numbers und turnover are constantly rising in the microtechnology industry

RWI/ISL-Container Throughput Index with minor decline on a high overall level

The index is based on data continuously collected from world container ports by ISL as part of its market monitoring. Because large parts of international…

The RWI/ISL-Container Throughput Index started off well in 2018

The Container Throughput Index of the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the ISL – Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics recorded a…

RWI/ISL-Container Throughput Index ending 2017 on a positive note

The Container Throughput Index of the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the ISL – Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics was able to…

Uncovering decades of questionable investments

One of the key principles in asset pricing — how we value everything from stocks and bonds to real estate — is that investments with high risk should, on…

Corporate coworking as a driver of innovation

Three years ago, the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO released “The Fascination of Coworking – Potentials for Companies and their Employees.”

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