Business and Finance

This area provides up-to-date and interesting developments from the world of business, economics and finance.

A wealth of information is available on topics ranging from stock markets, consumer climate, labor market policies, bond markets, foreign trade and interest rate trends to stock exchange news and economic forecasts.

Economists Unveil New Way to View Financial Markets

But the alternative mathematical behavioral finance models that have gained currency since the crisis imply that the rational market has not disappeared for…

Insolvency risk lower for private equity-backed companies

Private Equity and Insolvency compares the failure rates of 140,000 private equity-backed and non-private equity backed businesses between 1995 and 2009. The…

Researchers Develop Index of Innovative Companies

A study from the USC Marshall Center for Global Innovation co-authored by Gerard Tellis, Professor and Director of the Center and Andreas Eisingerich Assistant…

Despite much-higher poverty rates, rural Oregonians use less public assistance

OSU researchers Deana Grobe and Bobbie Weber, along with Elizabeth Davis of the University of Minnesota, found that the rates of use of such programs as work…

EU Expansion Of A Different Kind: From Economics To Welfare

For an alliance between nations that was originally conceived purely at the market economy level, this would be a fundamental step towards political unity….

Researchers: Mutual Fund Fee Could Make Money for Investors

Short-term redemption fees could boost returns for mutual fund investors by as much as 3.27 percent a year, according to researchers in Texas Tech University’s…

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