This area provides up-to-date and interesting developments from the world of business, economics and finance.
A wealth of information is available on topics ranging from stock markets, consumer climate, labor market policies, bond markets, foreign trade and interest rate trends to stock exchange news and economic forecasts.
Having already placed a ten-year, a five-year and a three-year bond in the classical maturities earlier this year, KfW has now launched a seven-year…
Management Insights, a regular feature of the journal, is a digest of important research in business, management, operations research, and management science….
MSU’s Yuri Mishina and colleagues argue that unrealistically high pressure on thriving companies increases the likelihood of illegal behavior, as the firms are…
The study, “Brain Drain: Why Top Management Bolts After M&As,” analyzes factors that can lead to abnormally high turnover rates among target company executives…
The results show that lack of job security was particularly hard on families, with almost one in five parents turning up to work ill and close to one in 10…
“Retailers can benefit substantially by having better placement of items in their aisles,” Bezawada says. His research shows that aisle placements can…