This area provides up-to-date and interesting developments from the world of business, economics and finance.
A wealth of information is available on topics ranging from stock markets, consumer climate, labor market policies, bond markets, foreign trade and interest rate trends to stock exchange news and economic forecasts.
Researchers at the University of Washington and New York University who examined networks of companies in relation to their creative strengths have discovered…
The latest issue of Public Policy & Aging Report (PPAR) tackles the surrounding issues that older Americans will now face.This publication presents analyses…
“The answer lies in the words of the CEO,” said Rajesh Chandy, professor of marketing at the university’s Carlson School of Management. “By simply counting the…
Paying out certain types of government aid in a monthly lump sum appears to fuel a spate of harmful and often fatal drug binges, according to a new study in a…
However, recent increases in grain prices mean that production costs are now similar for grain ethanol and second generation biofuels, according to a paper…
Brown conceived the idea while working with organizations in Niger, West Africa, that provide information regarding failed crops and help address local…