Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences (also referred to as Geosciences), which deals with basic issues surrounding our planet, plays a vital role in the area of energy and raw materials supply.

Earth Sciences comprises subjects such as geology, geography, geological informatics, paleontology, mineralogy, petrography, crystallography, geophysics, geodesy, glaciology, cartography, photogrammetry, meteorology and seismology, early-warning systems, earthquake research and polar research.

Microscopic defects in ice shape how massive glaciers flow

The findings should help scientists refine predictions of future sea-level rise. As they seep and calve into the sea, melting glaciers and ice sheets are raising global water levels at…

Shoveling loads of snow

SLF researchers investigate in deep holes whether satellite data accurately show snowmelt to improve hydrological discharge forecasts. Francesca Carletti takes a hammer to the ground. She drives the water probe…

Thawing permafrost

Not a climate tipping element, but nevertheless far-reaching impacts. AWI experts find no evidence of a global climate tipping point in connection with permafrost; rather, permafrost soils are thawing in…

Frozen noble gas in the accelerator

Researchers at European XFEL in Schenefeld near Hamburg have taken a closer look at the formation of the first crystallisation of nuclei in supercooled liquids. They found: The formation starts…

Important software for the new European-Japanese Earth observation satellite EarthCARE

Preparations for the launch of the new Earth observation satellite EarthCARE (Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer) are in full swing. The joint mission of the European Space Agency (ESA)…

On the trail of global climate change

– volcanism as a driver of the climate in the “Carnic crisis”. New research on the so-called ‘Carnian Crisis’ by a team led by Alexander Lukeneder, palaeontologist at the Natural…

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