Ecology, The Environment and Conservation

This complex theme deals primarily with interactions between organisms and the environmental factors that impact them, but to a greater extent between individual inanimate environmental factors.

innovations-report offers informative reports and articles on topics such as climate protection, landscape conservation, ecological systems, wildlife and nature parks and ecosystem efficiency and balance.

Where Wild Honeybees Survive

In northern Spain, wild honeybees use hollow electricity poles as nesting cavities. Natural areas in the surroundings promote the colonies’ chances to survive the winter. Until recently, experts considered it…

Fungal recyclers: Fungi reuse fire-altered organic matter

Degrading pyrogenic (fire-affected) organic matter is an important ecosystem function of fungi in post-fire environments. The Science Wildfires can cause significant changes in the carbon found in soils. These fires…

Global study finds the extent of pharmaceutical pollution in the world’s rivers

A new study looking at the presence of pharmaceuticals in the world’s rivers found concentrations at potentially toxic levels in more than a quarter of the locations studied. The new…

Breathing in, breathing out

Scientists of TU Freiberg trace the Amazon rainforest’s respiration with measuring robot. On March 3, a team of geoscientists at TU Bergakademie Freiberg will travel to Manaus carrying with them…

The Congo tropical forest is simply different

The Congo Basin is the second largest contiguous tropical forest area on earth. Even though it is so vast and plays such a major role in the global climate system,…

Arctic Winter Warming Causes Cold Damage in the Subtropics of East Asia

Due to climate change, Arctic winters are getting warmer. An international study by UZH researchers shows that Arctic warming causes temperature anomalies and cold damage thousands of kilometers away in…

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