This complex theme deals primarily with interactions between organisms and the environmental factors that impact them, but to a greater extent between individual inanimate environmental factors.
innovations-report offers informative reports and articles on topics such as climate protection, landscape conservation, ecological systems, wildlife and nature parks and ecosystem efficiency and balance.
The liquid-based solution uses a solvent to trap the plastic particles, leaving clean water behind. University of Missouri scientists are battling against an emerging enemy of human health: nanoplastics. Much…
Large-scale project investigates the release of additives in water. Plastic waste in rivers and oceans is constantly releasing chemicals into the water. Until now, it was unknown how large these…
Sylt-based researchers release comprehensive study on the effects of climate change since the founding of the Wadden Sea Station 100 years ago. Climate change can produce a range of effects…
Organofluorine compounds — sometimes called ‘forever chemicals’ — are increasingly turning up in our drinking water, oceans and even human blood, posing a potential threat to the environment and human…
Recycling of Incineration Bottom Ash. Today, copper ore extraction is economically viable from a minimum content of 0.3 percent. Waste incineration produces ash with a fine fraction containing an average…
Understanding the relationship between the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the earth beneath is key to predicting future climate change impacts, finds McGill-led study. A McGill-led study suggests that Earth’s natural…