Seminars Workshops

German Vacuum Technologies Showcase in Moscow

German manufacturers of vacuum equipment and specialised components as well as research institutes will present the latest technological developments in the area of functional coatings for optics, sensors and electronics in the Special Seminar on 16th April 2013.

The focus will be on precision coating processes and systems, precision measuring procedures and processing techniques for optics, sensors and electronic components and the special demands on their use in vacuums.

The Special Seminar is an integral part of the international vacuum fair, “VacuumTechExpo – 8th International specialized exhibition of vacuum machines, equipment and technologies”, which is taking place this year from 16th to 18th April and will be accompanied by a joint exhibition stand representing the following companies:

VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH,
CREAVAC – Creative Vakuumbeschichtung GmbH,
SIEGERT Thinfilm Technology GmbH,
DTF Technology GmbH and
VON ARDENNE Anlagentechnik GmbH
as well as Fraunhofer FEP.

The exhibition is oriented above all towards manufacturers of electronic, microelectronic, optical and sensor components, tool manufacturers, R&D establishments and end users of modern vacuum technologies.
Coating technologies for the growth sectors of optics, sensors and electronics are becoming increasingly important for a growing number of established products or are prerequisites for completely new products respectively. The demands on process techniques and technology to ensure high quality at high productivity levels are increasing significantly.

Fraunhofer FEP has the respective systems technology and many years of experience to apply electrical, optical acoustic or magnetically sensitive coatings and coating systems to large areas by means of the vacuum coating process.

For further information please visit us on our joint exhibition stand A 239 at the VacuumTechExpo on 16th April.
You will find further information about the Special Seminar and the seminar programme at:

Press contact:
Annett Arnold, M.Sc.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik FEP
Phone +49 351 2586-452

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