Jointly offered course by Haus der Technik and APV-Mainz about crystallizations in the chemical and life-science industry

The course will take place in English from May 07-08, 2014 and in German from May 08-09, 2014 (Grundlagen und Auslegung von Kristallisationen in der chemischen, agrochemischen und pharmazeutischen Industrie).
The key focus of the course is on the theoretical basis of crystallizations and understanding of crystallization processes, nucleation, crystal growth and agglomeration.
The course will discuss the different crystallization techniques employed in the industry and it will discuss the basic data necessary for the successful development and optimization of any crystallization process as well as underlying development work.
Further contents of the course will be:
– The determination of solubility data
– The analysis of the crystallization behaviour
– Characterization of the crop
– Integration of Crystallization processes to solve complex tasks
– Interactive case studies
Experienced specialists with top expertise will present their theoretical observations within the context of their long-standing practical experience.
Target group of the course are chemists, chemical engineers and plant managers working in the chemical and life-science industry, in the fine chemicals industry as well as in the basic chemicals industry who develop crystallization processes, transfer crystallizations into production or between sites, operate crystallization processes or who optimize crystallizations.
The course is equally directed towards persons working in formulation of crystalline products, in the life-science but also in alimentary or consumer products fields, wanting to learn more about the potentials of the processes leading to the crystalline starting material to be formulated.
A detailed conference programme is available from Haus der Technik
Tel. +49.(0)201.1803 237 (Mrs. Senft)
Email m.senft@hdt-essen.de
http://www.hdt-essen.de/W-H050-05-497-4 (Deutsche Version)
http://www.hdt-essen.de/W-H050-05-496-4 (Englische Version)
Haus der Technik e.V.
Dipl.-Ing. Kai Brommann
Hollestraße 1, 45127 Essen
Tel. 0201 – 18 03 251, Fax. 0201 – 18 03 269
E.Mail: k.brommann@hdt-essen.de