Scientists, laser manufacturers and users from a wide variety of branches from Germany and abroad will meet here to catch up on the latest trends from…
The week’s objectives include scuba certification, wilderness survival, skydiving, flight simulation and a virtual visit to the International Space Station.
Where sustainability of water management is concerned, we must pay more attention to long-term solutions. Efficient water management and policy ought to be…
UNEP’s Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) project has identified the HKH foothills region as one of the hotpots of the globe in terms of poor air quality. Indoor…
The list of confirmed external speakers includes:
The workshop was intended to promote the exchange of experience at international level and foster the dialogue between science and industry, related to the…
The course will take place in English from May 07-08, 2014 and in German from May 08-09, 2014 (Grundlagen und Auslegung von Kristallisationen in der…
These fiber-reinforced composites can be used in all situations in which the structural elements are subjected to special requirements. Due to the strong…
In many areas of manufacturing and processing industries, processing of glass materials using the laser plays an important role. The laser has established…
This rare type of comet, discovered in late 2012, is about to swoop into the inner solar system. In late November, it will pass within 684,000 miles of the…
India is an important future market. As with all emerging markets, there are risks involved, for example, for companies doing research and development. For…
German manufacturers of vacuum equipment and specialised components as well as research institutes will present the latest technological developments in the…
The edaWorkshop is an excellent platform for scientists, academic researchers and industry to present application-oriented EDA research findings, exchange…
On 5 and 6 February 2013 around 50 experts in Warnemünde came together, following an invitation of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) and the research program…
Approximately 30 researchers from both countries will be dealing with the challenges that address the user’s wish for a more secure, efficient and comfortable…
The European Commission ICT theme has funded a proposal for a Coordination Action project entitled “ECOSYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY and DESIGN for NANOELECTRONICS”…