The workshop is the key element of the EU funded programme TRAYSS PRIME and will augment the technical skills of the participants with management and leadership skills. Central topics are project management in research, handling intellectual property in biotechnology and preparing EU grant applications.
These topics will be supplemented by seminars on bioethics, conflict- and time management. During excursions to Bayer Schering Heath Care Berlin and to a meeting of the Commission for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Parliament, participants will have the opportunity to discuss their questions and opinions with deciders from the fields of business, politics and science.
The seminar week is organized by ProSciencia Beratungs-GmbH from Lübeck in cooperation with the project partners Steinbeis-Forschungszentrum Technologie-Management Nordost from Rostock and the international biotechnology network ScanBalt.
During the runtime of the TRAYSS PRIME project, several one-day workshops covering individual topics in the area of scientific management were held in different European countries. The workshops were very well received by the scientific community. The final workshop will now combine and intensify all topics. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to form intensive professional contacts and to initiate future cooperations.