Secure competitive advantage in India – STN® now offers comprehensive Indian patent information

India is an important future market. As with all emerging markets, there are risks involved, for example, for companies doing research and development. For such companies it is a crucial factor to have their intellectual property protected. Therefore, it is of vital importance that these risks be minimized by means of targeted searches and first-class information on patents and patent applications.
INFULL, the new Indian full-text patent file offered by FIZ Karlsruhe on STN International, enables researchers, developers, and patent specialists to access comprehensive patent information from India. The information spectrum of INFULL comprises the state of the art, patentability, freedom to operate, and licensing possibilities. Searches on infringements of own patents by third parties are also possible.
“The new database offers access to the Indian patent landscape. This important enhancement of STN secures the competitive advantages of our customers on an even broader basis,” says Dr. Rainer Stuike-Prill, Vice President Marketing & Sales at FIZ Karlsruhe.
At present, the INFULL file contains over 444,000 records in English language and more than 120,000 images from 1912 onwards. About 500 documents are published each week. The records of the database contain bibliographic data, various patent classifications including the new CPC codes, abstracts, and the full text of descriptions and claims. New documents are available about one week after publication with the complete content.
INFULL will be presented at this year’s PATINFO (held on June 5-7, 2013 in
Ilmenau, Germany) together with other important STN databases and features, including the new STN platform, precise CPC searching in patent databases, Asian full-text patent files, and many more. A special workshop will be dedicated to patent full-text databases on STN and the advantages of combined searches in full-text and bibliographic value-added patent files on STN (CAplus, DWPI, etc.).
About STN International
STN® International (www.stn-international.de), the premium online service in science and patent information, provides access to more than 150 databases from renowned producers. Only STN offers DWPISM, CAplusSM/CAS REGISTRYSM and INPADOCDB/INPAFAMDB on a single platform. STN’s powerful, transparent retrieval system allows for text, factual, chemical structure and biosequence searches. Also available are excellent analysis, visualization and post-processing tools (STN AnaVistTM), and a unique Numerical Property Search function. Links to full-text documents are also provided (FIZ AutoDoc and STN Full-text Solution). With precise and comprehensive information, STN supports information professionals in answering business-critical questions by offering them complete and topical information that meets the highest quality standards. Top priority is given to data privacy protection, data security, and confidentiality. STN® is jointly operated by FIZ Karlsruhe (Europe) and Chemical Abstracts Service (USA), and is represented in Japan by JAICI.
Additional Information:
FIZ Karlsruhe
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Phone: +49 7247 808-555
Fax: +49 7247 808-259
E-mail: helpdesk@fiz-karlsruhe.de
Press Contact:
FIZ Karlsruhe
Rüdiger Mack
Phone: +49 7247 808-513
E-mail: ruediger.mack@fiz-karlsruhe.de
About FIZ Karlsruhe
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure (www.fiz-karlsruhe.de) is a not-for-profit limited liability company and one of the largest non-academic information infrastructure institutions in Germany. As such, its public mission is to develop and provide products and services for an information infrastructure to science, research, and industry. FIZ Karlsruhe strives to strengthen the transfer of knowledge in Germany and abroad and to support the promotion of innovation.
Our business areas:
• STN International – the world’s leading online service for research and patent information in
science and technology
• KnowEsis – innovative e-Science solutions to support the process of research in all its stages (e. g., research data management), and throughout all scientific disciplines
• Databases and Information Services – Databases and science portals in mathematics, computer science, crystallography, chemistry, and energy technology
FIZ Karlsruhe is a member of the Leibniz Association, which comprises more than 80 institutions involved in research activities and/or the development of scientific infrastructure.