Seminars Workshops

SmartCoDe Workshop: Boost Energy Efficiency in Buildings

This workshop discusses how. The workshop – the first of three between now and 2012 – is ideal for anyone who wants a better understanding of the technological and market requirements that affect these issues. It is given by industry experts and prestigious academics (see below) involved in the SmartCoDe project (

But you don’t have to be a SmartCoDe project participant or contributor to benefit from the discussion. You can benefit if you are an R&D expert in areas related to increasing energy efficiency – and you can contribute ideas to fine-tune the SmartCoDe project’s direction.

Our two keynote presentations are given by prominent players in the climate/energy space: Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Nakicenovic, a former IPCC official and Bettina Lenz, of the EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology. Please see below for detailed programme information.

The SmartCoDe Expert Cooperation Workshop will take place on November 16, 2010 in Vienna, Austria. For further information regarding registration, location and agenda, please visit SmartCoDe Expert Cooperation Workshop 2010 (

Registration deadline is October 31, 2010.

If you are interested in hearing about the topics, we cordially invite you to join us. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Best regards,
Peter Neumann
SmartCoDe project coordinator
Keynote: Energy Perspectives and the Role of New Technologies
Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Coordinating Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2002 to 2007.

Energy de-carbonization requires a dramatic improvement in energy efficiency. This is driving “smart integration” between energy generation and the end use, which is undergoing a transformation toward more self-organization using Internet-like management tools. The speaker discusses the implications for R&D, deployment, and the economics.

Energy Forecasting for Distributed Generation in Local Energy Neighbourhoods
Dr. Tamás Bertényi, Quiet Revolution Ltd.
Smart integration of local energy neighbourhoods with the grid requires the prediction of site-specific energy yield. The speaker discusses forecasting small-scale turbine farms’ output, covering the correction of macro-scale wind resource for local micro-scale effects, energy yield modeling, and statistical methods for predicting short-term energy yield.
Building Simulation and Control
Dr. Gerhard Zucker, Austrian Institute of Technology
Enhancing the thermodynamic simulation model of a building with models of its energy consumption systems – such as HVAC, heater, and ventilation chillers – would enable more efficient energy control strategies. Adding weather constraints such as temperature, humidity and sun radiation would optimize energy control further. The speaker discusses the ins-and-outs.
Smart Energy Management
Prof. Dr. Fritz Schmidt, ennovatis GmbH
Demand management and smart metering require new, automated energy management methods for both energy-using-products and local renewable energy providers. The speaker will discuss the hardware and software requirements to implement a system with a cost payback over a few years, and will report first experiences.
Keynote: Electric Energy Storage in Smart Buildings
Bettina Lenz, Head of the Energy Storage Division at EWE Research Centre for Energy Technology in Oldenburg, Germany

Distributed feed-in of renewable energy into the low-voltage-grid will increase significantly. However, energy that cannot be used instantaneously should be stored – and storage devices are usually very costly. The speaker discusses the motivation for energy storage, reviews storage technology, and presents an initial approach to system sizing.

Security Considerations for SmartCoDe Network
Juraj Hájek, Ardaco, s.a.
The speaker discusses security in smart energy grids. Analysis of security breaches enables avoidance of repeated vulnerabilities caused by software flaws, hardware weakness and inherited problems. The lessons are applied to the security architecture of SmartCoDe network, which is described in detail, and compared with existing standards.
An Architecture for Energy Management in Smart Appliances
Prof. Dr. Christoph Grimm, Vienna University of Technology
Demand management and smart metering require an appropriate monitoring and communications infrastructure. The speaker discusses an integrated, microelectronic platform that is scalable, highly secure, and can be implemented as a highly reliable system-in-package – ideal for low-cost mass production.
SmartCoDe – On the Way to a Miniaturised Wireless Sensor Node for Monitoring and Control of Appliances
T. Herndl, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
The SmartCoDe monitoring and communications platform will be a small, integrated device that can be embedded in diverse appliances. It will measure power consumption, communicate wirelessly, and control the appliance via a simple serial interface. And it will do so at a consumer price-point. The speaker discusses implementation plans and progress.

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