Seminars Workshops

Trends, Challenges in New Product Stability Highlighted in Co-Sponsored AAPS Workshop

Founded in 1986, AAPS provides a dynamic international forum for the exchange of knowledge among scientists to enhance their contributions to public health. AAPS offers timely scientific programs, on-going education, information resources, and opportunities for networking and professional development. This workshop is co-sponsored with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).

In partnership with PhRMA, AAPS is pleased to present the workshop Current Trends in Stability – Challenges with Today’s New Products. This two-day event will address the complex role of stability evaluation in today’s pharmaceutical development process and ongoing manufacturing environment, as well as some of the challenges scientists will face in all processes. The workshop will consist of talks by experts from the pharmaceutical industry, the World Health Organization and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This workshop will bring together scientists and regulators from around the world to discuss current requirements, and best practices to address challenges in areas such as: stability by design and applications of new technologies to stability evaluation. Attendees will participate in four session tracks highlighting stability by design, stability strategies for drug device combinations and protein and biotech products, as well as regulatory harmonization of worldwide stability requirements.
September 24-25, 2009
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
National Harbor, MD
For additional information about the workshop, and to register, visit To set up an interview with a workshop speaker please contact Joe Catapano at 703-248-4772 or

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