The list of confirmed external speakers includes:
• Prof. Roland Bennewitz (Saarbrücken)
• Dr. Martin Dienwiebel (Karlsruhe)
• Prof. Alfons Fischer (Duisburg)
• Dr. Bo Persson (Jülich)
• Dr. Ruth Schwaiger (Karlsruhe)
The program also includes a lab session where new approaches used in tribology research and wear characterization will be demonstrated.
Information and Registration at: http://wear.mpie.de/
This is a free workshop which is sponsored by MPIE.
The workshop is part of a series of topical one-day workshops named ‘Frontiers in Materials Science & Engineering’ at the institute.
The intention is to bring together leading experts from academia and industry in a workshop format to enable in-depth discussions of fundamental and applied research regarding both current and preliminary research in this area.