Process Engineering

Process Engineering

Molecular Tool Transforms Metal Surface Structures at Münster

Nano-scientists at Münster University develop a molecular tool to change the structure of a metal surface. Researchers at the University of Münster have now developed a molecular tool which makes it possible, at the atomic level, to change the structure of a metal surface. The restructuring of the surface by individual molecules – so-called N-heterocyclic carbenes – takes place similar to a zipper. The study has been published in the journal “Angewandte Chemie International Edition”. The surface of metals plays…

Process Engineering

New Laser Technique Enhances Solar Cell Production

C3PO Project The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE has developed an alternative process for producing solar cell contacts. The laser transfer and firing (LTF) technique offers several advantages compared to conventional processes, particularly for specific solar cell surfaces. Together with industry partners in the joint project “C3PO”, the Fraunhofer researchers in Freiburg have realized a fully automated LTF process for the first time on a system from Pulsar Photonics GmbH. Now the process can be systematically tested and…

Process Engineering

ScanCut Project: Advancing Intricate Plug Connector Designs

Plug connectors are tiny and, at first glance, unremarkable – yet modern vehicles would be unable to function without them. Several thousand plug connectors…

Process Engineering

Composite Manufacturing: Pros and Cons of Two Methods

“Frontal polymerization doesn't use an autoclave at all, so it doesn't require that huge upfront investment,” said Bliss Professor Philippe Geubelle in the…

Process Engineering

New NMR Method Monitors Chemical Reactions in Metal Containers

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is employed in a wide range of applications. In chemistry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is in standard use for the…

Process Engineering

R2RNet: Advancing Roll-to-Roll Surface Functionalization

In the R2RNet network, founded on June 10, 2020, 21 European partners from industry, research organizations and universities are pooling their expertise in the…

Process Engineering

Mass production of individualized products

The term mass production generally suggests large numbers of identical products rolling off an assembly line. However, the latest trends call for…

Process Engineering

Laser-Enhanced Surfaces: Clean Without Scrubbing or Chemicals

For several years, scientists at TU Dresden and Fraunhofer IWS have been developing functionalised surfaces by means of laser-based manufacturing processes.

Process Engineering

Engineered Nanomaterial Cleans Pesticide-Polluted Water

Atrazine is one of the most widely used pesticides in North America. Researchers at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) have developed a…

Process Engineering

TUM Agenda 2030: Advancing Additive Manufacturing Innovation

Using advanced, innovative materials and intelligent combinations, new process technologies based on digital 3D designs can be deployed to develop a wide…

Process Engineering

Laser Study Uncovers Efficiency Loss in Copper Oxide Photocathodes

Copper oxide has a band gap of 2 electron volts, which matches up very well with the energy spectrum of sunlight. Perfect copper oxide crystals should…

Process Engineering

NIST Research Reveals New Insights in Laser Welding Techniques

On its surface, the work is deceptively simple: Shoot a high-power laser beam onto a piece of metal for a fraction of a second and see what happens. But…

Process Engineering

USP Lasers Excel in Macroprocessing at UKP Workshop 2023

The UKP-Workshop has grown once again: More than 170 participants from 14 countries came to Aachen this year to discuss the latest trends in the development of…

Process Engineering

NRL’s New Laser Method Boosts Optoelectronic Device Efficiency

“From a chemistry standpoint, we have discovered a new photocatalytic reaction using laser light and water molecules, which is new and exciting,” said Saujan…

Process Engineering

3D Hollow Structures: Quartz Glass Innovations for Longevity

Quartz glass is the preferred material for applications that require long-term use because of its high chemical and mechanical stability and excellent optical…

Process Engineering

Advanced Metal Design: Enhancing Sculpting Techniques

Most people may not realize it but they encounter products made with exotic or advanced metals every day.
