Nanofair 2014 – Turn knowledge into economic power

The conference and the accompanying trade exhibition will take place for the 10th time and is organized by the Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS Dresden in partnership with DRESDEN-concept and the City of Dresden’s Department of Economic Development.

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary Nanofair 2014 will offer numerous innovations. The congress’ program is to be extended to two and a half days, which offers several advantages; firstly, the 2nd Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium with issues around the field of nanoanalysis can be integrated into the program and secondly, the hotly discussed topic “graphenes” will come into the focus of the third day of the conference.

Renowned international speakers have agreed to present their latest research. Herbert Gleiter, KIT, the godfather of nanotechnology, Helge Weman,Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU) and highly recognized expert in the field of graphenes, Bill Clyne, Cambridge University, Jorge Gardea-Torresdey, University of Texas, Mitsuhiro Koden, Organic Electronics Cluster Yamagata, Esko Kauppinen, Aalto University and Henning Zoz, Zoz Group. Furthermore, Andrea C. Ferrari, University of Cambridge, has been invited to present his talk.

The Call for Papers is open until January 5, 2014. You are cordially invited to submit your proposals and posters, focusing on nano materials, nano electronics, optics, energy applications, Life Science, process aspects, nano analytics, CNT or graphenes at

Media Contact

Prof. Dr. Andreas Leson Fraunhofer-Institut

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